So I’ve decided not to wait and just let a freebie go right now! From 11:15 PM Eastern Standard Time tonight (Saturday) until 11:15 PM Saturday the 10th I will be offering a free Tarot Reading to whomever correctly answers all my questions! The Tarot Reading will be an answer to one of your questions! It will be a normal Reading as if it is a paid Reading! So if you do this Scavenger Hunt, you can get a $6 Reading absolutely free!
It’s almost as if you’re a client of mine, but you aren’t paying a cent for a wonderful Reading! Have a question you want an answer to? Want to know your future, how someone feels about you, what will happen in this new relationship, or anything else? Just do this Scavenger Hunt and ask! What do you have to lose? There are couple things I can’t answer with Tarot, however. So please do not ask about any of the following:
- Timing (”when” questions)
- Health (including pregnancy)
- Legal questions
- Death
- Specific things like hair color, names, etc.
Here’s how you can easily obtain your free Tarot Reading:
- Open up something like WordPad or NotePad and number it the amount of questions there are.
- Search my Twitter account, LivePerson profile, internet, and this blog for answers!
- E-mail me at “” and be sure to title the e-mail “Scavenger Hunt – [Your Blogger Name]” so I know what and who it is. Also, add a link to your blog! It’s also a good idea to include your question at the bottom of the e-mail!
- Make sure to click “subscribe” on this blog (don’t worry, I’ll subscribe back, just let me know).
- Come back to this post and leave a comment saying you e-mailed me the answers!
- You must do steps 4 and 5 in order for me to reply and consider your answers. I’ll check the answers and will let you know which ones are wrong, if any. If there aren’t any wrong, I’ll send you an e-mail back asking for your question if you haven’t provided it already. If you have, I’ll send you a congratulations e-mail and will shortly do your Reading!
- Make sure to get your answers in on time! I will not accept late answers. =[
There are five different "sets" of questions. The first requires you to search my Twitter, the second requires you to search my LivePerson profile, the third requires you to search this blog, and the last two require you to search the internet (some random questions involved, too). Remember that this is absolutely free so you don't have to sign up or pay for anything; the only thing you must have is a blog on this site.
You'll find all the links you need to my LivePerson and Twitter on the right. Here are the questions! Enjoy and good luck!
Set one (Twitter):
- What color is my background?
- What is my username?
- On October 1st, I made a tweet about a raffle. How many tickets were there in the raffle? (This requires some use of the "more" button at the bottom!)
- On September 28th, I made a few tweets. One was about me wondering about something. What was I wondering about? (Click "more" a few times!)
- Is my avatar about the same or different than the one here on this blog?
Set two (LivePerson):
- How much does it say I charge per minute?
- How much do 3 questions cost in e-mail?
- How many cards does the "Love Interest" Tarot Reading have?
- What card did I pull for myself for my "focus" for October?
- At the bottom of the page it says to read the rest of my reviews. Click on it! Scroll down to September 5th reviews and find the one by "Anon" and read the review. What did the client say I was added to?
Set three (Blog):
- What's the first link under my Blogroll?
- How many tweets are located on my blog?
- Go to my SocialVibe of the week! Click on it and fill out what it asks you to. By doing this, you will help the World Wildlife Fund raise money to slow greenhouse gases! At the end it will ask you to let me know you were there. Where it says to enter your name, enter your name or username. Then leave a message where it says to leave a message; if you used your name, make sure to leave your username here in the message area! This is so I know that you helped contribute! It only takes a minute to do and you'll feel great about yourself! =] (As a note, I think you can do this more than once to add more time of research and the sponsor changes on occasion. You don’t have to leave a message every time. But you must do it at least once!)
- How old am I?
- How many Specials do I have at one given time?
Set four (Internet):
- How many Tarot Cards are in a normal deck of cards?
- Name one Major Arcana card!
- What is a Psychic called that has “clear seeing”?
- Who created my favorite Tarot deck, “Gilded Tarot”?
Set five (Internet):
- Who plays Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare’s rival, inShakespeare in Love?
- What comedy series won a writing Emmy in 1993, after being canceled earlier that year? (Remember it won a writing Emmy but doesn’t mean it is necessarily the one that won for comedy series. Look up information about the shows!)
- What John Lennon song was remade in 1991 by a group of musicians that included Lenny Kravitz, Cyndi Lauper and MC Hammer?
- What birds were the unlikely steeds for players of the video gameJoust? (Pretend you’re Player 1.)
- What nickname has the press given real estate empress Leona Helmsley?
- What Batman character was killed off as the result of a reader vote?
I’ve checked each question and hints are in (here) for a little extra push. I understand there are 25 questions total and may take you some time. It’s great if you have nothing to do, but to move faster, here are some tips:
- Have a friend join you! Heck, have more than one! You can split up the questions and get done faster! However, each person is still responsible for doing #3 in set 3, e-mailing me, following me on here, and commenting on this post. But other than that . . . have as many friend join! Remember that the more people you get to help, the faster you’ll be done and more people can enjoy an answer to a question they have by a professional Tarot Reader!
- Check Google!
- Keep searches to minimum words!
- Wikipedia is your friend!
Hopefully you’ll get some friends together and complete this fun scavenger hunt! I look forward to hearing all of your replies! Please remember to check over the steps to make sure you’ve e-mailed me, followed me here, and commented! Be sure to follow the instructions for #3 of set 3, too! I’d hate to have someone lose because they forgot to do a step. You only have to comment here once no matter how many times you may have to submit your answers.
As an added bonus, each person that gets correct answers will not only get the in-depth free Tarot Reading on a question of their choice, but they will also be placed in one post that will promote their blog (with a link) and one to another site of their choice like Twitter, MySpace, Facebook, etc. So it’s a great way to get a good review and many gain some friends!
One last note before I end this: DO NOT POST ANSWERS AS A COMMENT!!! I check each comment and if you post answers here or ask for answers, I will disqualify you for this. Please don’t do it. =[ If you need help, ask on Yahoo Answers or find a friend to do this with!
Enjoy and good luck! You have from 11:15 PM Saturday to 11:15PM Saturday the 10th! Get started!
Beautiful Blessings,
Natasha <3
Have a question about something? Leave a comment or send me an e-mail. Even ask on Twitter! I'll be happy to answer any questions you have as long as they aren't "what's the answer" questions. =]
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