For every year I age, I seem to lose another year’s worth of memories. One of the few I have left from my early childhood was a game I played in which I twisted my ankles as far out as they would go, trying to balance myself with my toes pointing straight to the left and right. Enough times doing this, and I loosened up my ankles to the point where I could walk with my toes perpendicular to my body. Unfortunately, this had the side effect of screwing up the way my feet positioned themselves whenever I walked or stood normally – instead of pointing straight ahead, they poked out at forty-five degree angles to the left and right.
I see a lot of guys who walk in a similar manner, and it’s embarrassing to say the least. When your feet are splayed, your posture is made sloppy and your walk is shambling. Also, splayed feet cause your knees to bend more while walking, which causes you to “bob” up and down while walking and reduces your height. When I was in college, I developed a technique that helped me “reset” my feet so that I could walk in a more masculine way, and I’m gonna share it with you right now.
When you’re walking, twist your ankles inward so that your toes are pointing straight forward. While doing this, shift your weight so that most of it is concentrated on the outer edges of your feet. Maintain this composure whenever you walk and your ankles will slowly twist themselves back into position. At the same time, you won’t have to keep walking on the edges of your feet, as your body weight will slowly diffuse back to where it was before.
The amount of time it takes to “lock in” your ankles depends on their flexibility and how much walking you do. My ankles are like a ballerina’s, and I was doing a lot of walking around in long straight lines in college, so it only took me a couple of weeks to adjust. If your ankles are inflexible and/or you don’t do the whole walking thing, it will probably take you longer. Walking on flat sidewalks is the best way to deploy this method, as the lack of hills and other obstacles allows you to concentrate on keeping your feet straight.
A not insignificant part of game is how you carry yourself. If you walk around like a lazy slob, no woman will want to bother with you. A small thing such as how you position your feet can make all the difference.
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