Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Yoga how I love thee

Last night ended with breaking the fast (for Yom Kippur) and we ate lots of good food. I did not fast so I was not as hungry as everyone else. I had half of a blueberry bagel and two pieces of kugel. Also, I had a piece of cake. There was lots of food and it was buffet style. I took a picture, but snuck it so it is not that great.

On the way to dinner last night Sam opened a piece of my mail and I was invited to be a black card member. If you do not know what a black card is it is a special card that people have that spend a ton of money. A lot of celebrities own it and it is made out of carbon, has about a $500 annual fee, and comes with all sorts of perks like your own concierge when you travel.  I don’t know how I was invited to be a member (I don’t spend that much) it must have been a f look.

This is the spplication...No I did not get the card! It's not my name either.

I was so excited for today to almost end because I went to a yoga class tonight and could not wait all day long. All I kept thinking about was yoga yoga yoga.   I had a great lunch today and brought back a summer time treat…cucarachas! That’s right dates with almond butter so YUM.

Chobani with granola, kiwiw w/ skin and 3 cucarachas

Just say no to soda:

I am also going to try to stay away from soda. All types of soda caffeine free and diet. I want to see if I can see a difference in my body and see how much soda has been affecting me. So if you see me with a soda or a picture of it on my blog yell at me and slap me out of it. I am going to try my hardest not to. I told Sam and he said ok I will drink them all and then you don’t have to buy any more. What a great hubby!

So after school I went to watch Jen my cousin (Sam’s cousin) play her first field hockey game. She is in 8th grade and just started this year. She is really good and has a great hit. It seems like I go to a lot of games and yeah you are right, but this is a different cousin who is in 8th grade and the other 2 are twins who are Freshman in high school and are playing Varsity.


YIPPY!!! I never thought I would love it this much, but I do and was so happy to be able to go tonight. The class was pretty full for a Tuesday night there were 7 of us. My favorite pose tonight was…wait for it,wait for it…dadadada…drum roll…dadadada

Of course I did not look this good, but it was fun doing


So my dilemma is that I have not been to kettlebells in a long time and I really want to go tomorrow night, but right after that class is Bikram and I really want to go to that too. I don’t know what I should do. I need to fix their schedule because they CAN NOT have 2 great classes back to back. I could try kettlebells and take it easy and then do Bikram. NO NO that would just be insane. HELP!!!! What shall I do??? HELP !!

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