Sunday, February 28, 2010

Torchlight PC Game - MMORPG

Storyline – Word of Ember blazed across the land, and the town of Torchlight flared to life.

Ember is the essence of magic and the keystone of alchemy; it lures the restless with promises of power and riches. Miners burrowed deep beneath the dirt streets of Torchlight, discovering veins of the ore richer than any found in living memory- but they were not the first to covet these mines. The miners from Torchlight broke through into the buried past, a dangerous labyrinth of caverns and ruined civilizations, twisted creatures and the bones of those who came before. Evil bubbles up from the depths and threatens to overrun Torchlight as it has so many others. The heart of a villain has infused the Ember, and his darkness seeps through the veins.

To survive, the townspeople of Torchlight must break the cycle of destruction; they need a champion who can destroy the evil at its root. Removing the source of the rot may purify the Ember, but it is a long and perilous journey. The champion must battle through rock and fire, through lost cities and ancient tombs, into the palace of the villain himself.

Torchlight Trailer…

Go to there website for more info ““


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Watercooler Bowls Club

As Laura Cantrell would put it “well, there you have it folks”.  Why join a lawn bowls club when you don’t need to even leave the office to play bowls?  Using an orange hard hat instead of a ball was an inspired choice from Vicky.  It flew, rather than rolled into position, but for an impromptu game, worked a treat.

Highly recommended for rainy afternoons.  If you give it a try, do let me know.  Ms. Mischief x

Watercooler Bowling

Watercooler Bowling


Layer Tennis - Match 2

It’s on again, Layer Tennis which I blogged about here, for those who don’t know, is a match of design played back and forth between two computers and two designers each adding a new layer until the game is over and a winner is declared.

Peter Bruhn vs. Mark Simonson.

This match is a battle of type, font rules all here.

Now, I’m no typographer and I don’t really have a huge interest in it but it’s really interesting to see the tiny details that go into making typography, I knew there was work involved but never as much as this. In the picture below you can see the meticulous detail that goes in to creating each letter, from the angle of lines to the placement of serifs.

I have to say I think I’m more of a fan of Peter Bruhn’s work, than Simonson’s although that maybe to do more with the pictures that he’s coupled his type with, I’m not sure.

Either way I’ve voting for Bruhn.

The next match is scheduled for next Friday.


Thursday, February 25, 2010


Apa itu Lockerz?
Lockerz adalah komunitas di seluruh dunia dimana anggota dapat mencari hiburan, belanja, dan jaringan sosial penuh di satu situs. Anggota dihadiahi karena hampir semua yang mereka lakukan pada situs kami! Entah itu berbelanja, menonton video, bermain game, menjawab pertanyaan harian atau bahkan hanya login Saat ini ada lebih dari 15 cara untuk memperoleh PTZ (Points), yang merupakan mata uang di Lockerz. Ketika Anda mengumpulkan PTZ Anda akan dapat menebus mereka di PTZ Place, pusat perbelanjaan online mereka. Tempat yang PTZ memiliki ribuan hadiah mulai dari barang elektronik, desainer pakaian, peralatan olah raga, dan lebih banyak lagi!

Cara untuk mendapatkan PTZ
Saat ini ada 3 cara untuk mendapatkan PTZ
- Mengundang Teman
- Logging In Harian
- Menjawab Pertanyaan

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buka aja
atau (yg udah jadi member)

Beberapa Bukti Kalo Lockerz bukan Scam
T-shirt II
Nintendo DSi

Foto Hadiah Sebelum Di Kirim Di Kantornya Lockerz
Pas Di Shipping Center

(klik 2x u/ memperbesar gambar)

Foto Orang Yang Udah Dapet Hadiah (bukti)

(klik 2x u/ memperbesar gambar)

oke kan…??

Masalahnya kalo mau daftar harus di undang ama temen agan via e-mail, ngga bisa daftar sendirian, so bagi yang minat, bisa tinggalin nama & alamat email kalian di kolom comment, ntar langsung aku invite biar bisa langsung daftar.

nah, setelah nanti aku kirim invitationya, kalian harus buka e-mail kalian,  kalo ga ada invitationnya di INBOX email, coba cek di SPAM atau JUNK, trus ntar ada e-mail dari lockerz, isinya kaya gini

“I Invited You

That means you can join Lockerz.
For free. Today. Right now. Click on in.

There’s a new site called Lockerz that will offer the coolest brands at the lowest prices, exclusive video and music and the hottest games… all in one place. You’ll really like LOCKERZ PTZ (or “POINTZ”). PTZ are Lockerz’ proprietary loyalty “currency” that you earn whenever you buy, watch, play, share, invite friends, or even just show up on Lockerz. Redeem PTZ for incredible prizes, great products and dream experiences”

nah trus klik linknya (Click On In), isi data diri yang benar (termasuk nomer HP)
jadi deh member Lockerz..

Apa yang harus kamu lakukan setelah jadi member???

Setelah Login klik login ptz di kiri bawah,
terus klik Dailies di kanan bawah dan jawab pertanyaan yg paling atas.
Tiap Login dapat 2 PTZ / hari
Tiap Hari cuma ada 1 pertanyaan bernilai 2 PTZ (jadi total 4 PTZ / hari)
Pertanyaan yg kemarin atau sebelumnya tidak berlaku (expired) dan tidak mendapatkan PTZ. Bila kamu berhasil mengajak teman akan mendapat tambahan 2 PTZ/Orang.

Bila kamu tiap hari login dan menjawab pertanyaan
kamu akan dapat 4 PTZ/hari, 28 PTZ/Minggu, 112-124 PTZ/Bulan, 1460 PTZ/Tahun
itu belum termasuk jika kamu berhasil mengajak teman2 kamu bergabung.
Bila kamu sudah jadi Z-Lister maka nilainya akan digandakan.

Masih percaya kalo Lockerz SCAM????

NB : Tulis NAMA & E-MAIL kamu di kolom comment for get the invitation

Copyright …


Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island Strategy Guide

The Military has hired world-renowned scientist Chanel Flores to explore a mysterious island that has suddenly appeared in the Bermuda Triangle! During her flight to the island, a mysterious electrical fog engulfed her plane, and forced her to parachute to safety. You can now use this helpful Strategy Guide to help Chanel explore the island, and make her way back to her ship in Secret Mission – The Forgotten Island, a fun and exciting Hidden Object game.This is a useful strategy guide for the game Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island


PS3 Game Last Rebellion ED - Saigo no Michishirube

Artist: Haruka Shimotsuki
Release Date: 2010-02-10

Track List:
01 最後の道標
02 聴いteハ逝けなイ唄
03 最後の道標(off vocal)
04 聴いteハ逝けなイ唄(off vocal)

Multiupload (320k)


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Uncharted 2 Wins!

Hey guys! Viet here!

Uncharted 2 has been awarded “Best Video Game Writing” by the Writer’s Guild of America. It was nominated with Assassin’s Creed II and another few games whose writing were…not as good, and it stood up over the top!

In case you did not know, Uncharted 2 was a Playstation 3 exclusive that was released in 2009. It was awarded with game of the year for 2009 and is well worthy of these titles. If you have a PS3 and do not own it yet, think about buying it> It will be worth the buy!


Rank List

hallo teman-teman nh aku mau share daftar pangkat Point Blank. bagi yang sudah tahu DILARANG KERAS MEMBACA/MELIHAT PAGE INI .

sekarang, teman-teman udah pangkat apa ???


Sunday, February 21, 2010

New HeartGold and SoulSilver TCG expansion now available!

Well, you read correctly, boys and girls! The long-awaited HG and SS Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion packs are now available for purchase in stores near you. The expansion was officially released on February 10, 2010, so all stores that carry Pokémon Cards should now be updated and carry the new packs. Some cool new features of this set include:

• All-new card designs

• LEGEND and Prime cards

• New-looking Energy cards

• 120 cards, with new and old faces showing up in the decks!

• Lots more

We’ve snagged some images of the new decks and cards and would like to share them with you….

The Three Theme Decks

Ember Spark, Growth Clash, and Mind Flood

You can check out this page on the Pokémon website for more info and photos.

Well, that’s it for this update! Thanks for staying a Pokéfan!


Idiot's Guide to Tanking

World of Warcraft

Image via Wikipedia

World of Warcraft’s new Dungeon Finder tool enables players to create groups quickly and run through dungeons. It does, however, require that each of the five slots (in a five man instance) be properly filled. These slots are Tank, Healer and DPS. In many ways, the tank role is the most critical and difficult-the tank typically makes or breaks the party. Of course, the Healer is also important since a good healer can make up for a not-so-good tank. DPS is the third in importance, since even with only so-so DPS a good healer and tank can get a party through a dungeon.

While playing any role can be challenging, playing an effective tank is rather difficult, which is one reason there are few tanks. Also, people are often harsh and unforgiving about tanking errors or inexperience-especially people who have never player and never will play a tank.  While good tanking requires lots of practice, here is a quick generic guide.

First, you have to be the right class. The Dungeon Finder only allows tanks from classes that can tank, but anyone can try to tank. In WoW, the tanking classes are druid (bear form), paladin,warrior and death knight.

Second, you need to have the right tanking build. While the lower level dungeons can be tanked with less than optimal builds (mainly since low level instances will be run by low level characters who are far from completing their build), the high level instances will typically be a disaster for a poorly built tank.

Building a tank varies from class to class, but the goal is to pick the right blend of talents that optimize your ability to do the two things that a tank must do: 1) hold aggro and 2) not die.

The first tank function is typically optimized by getting talents that taunt or improve taunting (“annoying” rather than damaging enemies into regarding you as their target), by getting talents that create or boost damage, or by getting talents that improve the threat generated by other abilities and talents. Every class has different ways to do this. For example, death knight tanks often rely on a talent that reduces the cool down on Death and Decay to keep their threat generation going.  Fortunately, doing a search using “tank build” and your class will turn up a plethora of builds. Elitist Jerks is an excellent place to research character builds (and number theory). WoWWiki is also a good source of information.

The second tank function is optimized by getting talents that reduce damage, increase armor, boost health  provide protection, or otherwise enhance a character’s ability to survive. For example, the paladin’s protection talent tree is full of abilities that reduce the damage a paladin takes.

Third, you need to have the right gear. While the mechanics will change with the Cataclysm Expansion, tank gear will always be gear that maximizes armor and the character’s defensive abilities. Two of the most important things to focus on is gear that increases your hit points (this enables you to survive longer) and gear that lowers (or eliminates) your chance of being subject to a critical hit. If you tank, you will be asked about that, especially at level 80. If you are not immune to critical hits at level 80, you will find that people will often leave your pick up group. Most tanking classes also have builds that are non-tanks (for examples, paladins and warriors also have DPS talent trees) and have class gear that is optimized for those other roles. So, for example, if you plan on playing a paladin tank be sure that you have tank gear rather thank DPS or healing gear.

Augmentation to your gear such as gems, enchants, armor kits and inscriptions are also important. As with the gear itself, the focus must be on augmentation that increases your ability to survive. Since all level 80 characters of the same class are identical and most people follow standard tank builds, what really makes one character better than another is the gear. Roughly put, in WoW you are your gear. Also, people will check your gear and will bitch like foul mouthed warthogs if your gear is not up to snuff.  More importantly, if your gear is not up to tanking, you and the party will die way too often and that is not very much fun.

Fourth, you need to know how to play the role.

The first step is getting aggro (that is, making the monsters focus on you). You are effectively the shield of the party, so you need to be in-between them and the monsters. Getting aggro is easy-if you run close to a monster, it will aggro. Attacking it or taunting it will work even better. There are area threat generating abilities (such as consecrate) that hit many enemies at once-these abilities are crucial to establishing and keeping aggro on a group. There are also abilities that generate threat that impact a few enemies (for example Avenger’s Shield which hits up to three targets) and there are those that only affect one enemy (like Hand of Reckoning or a single target melee attack). Typically a tank will pull using a ranged ability (or run past enemies), gather them together and then use an area of effect ability (like Consecrate or Death & Decay) to really solidify the aggro. The tricky part is the second step-keeping the aggro on you and off the rest of the party.

To hold aggro, you need to create more threat than the other people in the party. They, of course, have the job of being careful not to generate more threat than you. This is done by continuing to use your threat generating abilities. For example, a paladin should be casting Consecrate all through the fight. You also need to watch the portraits of your party members. If you see a yellow glow/flash, that means the character is attracting attention. A red flash means that the character has the attention of at least one monster. You can also see the percentage of threat you are generating displayed on the monster’s portraits (plus you will receive combat text warnings when you are losing threat or a target has changed).

When you see the yellow flash, it is time to take action to get the aggro focused back on you. This can be done by boosting your threat even more or by getting the other player to reduce threat. While other party members should be watching the threat they generate and should be focusing on picked targets (it is a good idea to have the party leader indicate which monsters will be attacked in what order) DPS players often tend to focused on pouring out maximum damage and, of course, the healer generates threat by keeping you alive with heals.

Some classes have abilities that are specifically designed to pull threat off other players-for example, paladins have abilities that reduce the threat generated by the target (Hand of Salvation) or actually transfers aggro to the paladin (Righteous Defense).  Effective use of these abilities can be the difference between life and death. Obviously, the healer is the tank’s primary concern. As the saying goes: “if the tank dies, it is the healer’s fault; if the healer dies, it is the tank’s fault; if the DPS dies, it is the DPS’s fault”).

As part of holding aggro, you also need to be prepared to deal with monsters running off to attack other players. The trick here is to grab that monster without losing the others. Death knights can easily do this with Death Grip or Dark Command. Other classes can use a ranged single target taunt (or multiple targets if things are going bad) to drag in the wayward monster.

The final step in tanking is to not die. This depends largely on how well you are geared as a tank and how good the healer is. It also depends on being able to judge how many monsters to pull at a time (not too many) and your skill at using your class’s survival abilities. Paladins have some rather useful survival tools, such as Lay on Hands, that make them rather good at not dying.

Avoiding death also requires knowing the various monsters (especially the bosses) and what they do. Most of the high level boss fights require knowing the very specific tricks of the fight. Bosses tend to have rather odd abilities or gimmicks that require special tactics for the tank and not knowing these tricks can lead to a wipe. Such knowledge is acquired by experience and also by doing some research on sites such as WoWWiki.

Since this is a fairly generic guide to tanking, it is a good idea to research the specifics of your class before leaping out in front of the party.

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Leaving... on a jet plane~

I’m about to board the plane for Jakarta! Time really flies during chinese new year and before I know it, I’m on my way there for the Indo Giants Tournament.

It’s been a long while since I last travelled alone. It’s a little daunting and refreshing altogether. My laison officer during the last Asian Women Tournament in Jakarta msged me. She will be playing in the league as well and so will most of the Indonesian National Team players. So nice to meet them again!

Some of my friends stay in Jakarta as well and I look forward to seeing them soon! The team manager’s wife, tante Ade, will be picking me up from the airport. She’s so funny. She called me yesterday morning to ask me if I am tall or short, fair or dark, long hair or short etc etc.. Just so she can spot me in the airport. I can’t wait to meet her :) I am supposed to help tante Ade buy some cherries from Takashimaya. But it’s off season.. So I bought strawberries and persimmons for her. Hope she likes them.


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Romancing the Seven Wonders: Taj Mahal ( Exclusive )

In 1631, India’s greatest Emperor, Prince Khurram, lost his Princess Mumtaz, the love of his life. In his grief and despair, the Emperor had the finest craftsman in the land create a tribute to his lost Princess. The task that would take more than 22 years to complete would become, The Taj Mahal. Four centuries after his death, only you can help the Prince find his one true love and guide him into her embrace, in Romancing the Seven Wonders – Taj Mahal.

Romancing the Seven Wonders: Taj Mahal


I'm This Close!

gentlemen, the time has almost come! I’m almost done with FG3E, needing only to flesh out the plot some. after that, A few more minor tweaks could be all that stands between me and uploading the thing to Yo-Yo Games. So all it takes is a half-year of procrastination and a sudden appearance of a 10-day deadline to get me off my duff and finish the dang game, huh? now all I have to do is… finish Starlight City… oh, dear lord…


Friday, February 19, 2010

Facebook Farmville Cheats That You Have To Know

Facebook Farmville Cheats is actually one of the most searched topics online. There are millions of people addicted hopelessly to their farms and this is still a growing number. Now that the game keeps growing large, lots of players are searching for the cheats that will give them all the hidden secrets that will eventually lead them to the million dollar Farmville Villa.
Now I have tried repeatedly to Farmville in my experience is how you intended, but you can tell from the cheat does not exist, the strategy of what, if any, the number of tips go all the difference is. There, the observatory of these scams, and may even cancel your Facebook account, you can get to damage the computer. In this article, when referring to positive and negative aspects of the fraud can come Farmville.
Let's start with some nice Farmville cheat codes, which are better known as strategies. There are many fan sites out on the Web that you specify which plants or animals are the best ones to use. A famous trick is to cheat the Farmville bales of hay, so that your character in a hay bale barrier square formation that can improve your game twice accelerate faster!
The top two guides are the secrets and Farmville Farmville Farmville type, and both have been reviewed by me and I can assure you, it can not go wrong with either one of them. Obtained with strategy guides on all the techniques to the million-dollar villa Farmville you will be shown and you will be the envy of all your neighbors Farmville.
Several strategies for online the best part is that they are 100% legal, so you'll never harm your farmville account. Since Facebook's farmville great popularity, many people create a website, which will ensure that you have done everything you need to do is give them your farmville account name and password.
Before you know it will be this illegal scam spam farmville your friends and neighbors of people who will visit the data you submit your personal information, access to a miracle and wealth, you will find the true meaning behind the mask method Murville deception.
And finally, there are trainers Farmville, people that give you more troubles than solutions. This may get your account banned for illegal activities, and besides, your computer will be infected by any viruses, spyware, Trojans, etc.
So your three basic rules to cheat in any game:
1 – Never EVER give someone else your personal data
2 – Never download anything that isn’t certified by the game creator
3 – If you want to take massive advantage over other players invest in a Farmville Strategy Guide.
This is my contribution to the Facebook Farmville Cheats theme. Unfortunately not every farmer is satisfied with his own progress, so just take up some caution when using cheats.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

OASIS Sweden - En dröm (swedish)

Vilka är drömmarna och vad kan OASIS Sweden åstadkomma?

Oasis Sverige strävar efter att bli en interaktiv lek som ger människor frihet och mod att vara kreativa för att skapa och uppfylla sina djupaste drömmar. Drömmen är att adressera ett behov i samhället med en lekfull process. Det är i processen vi lär oss att vara människor. Oasis Sverige tror på genom att leka tillsammans kommer innersta drömmar väckas till liv. Genom att ta emot kärleksfulla vibrationer genom musik, dans och konst skapas verkligheten vi drömmer om. Någonting som har varit intakt genom alla generationer är människans kärlek till musik och dans. De visioner som OASIS Sweden har är och skapas av människor som har upplevt OASIS tidigare. Att vara en del av helheten och se sig själv som vår egen superstjärna i framtiden!

OASIS Sweden adresserar lokala problem med en lekfull och kreativ lösning. Visionen är att involvera alla i lösningen. Det finns områden som människor har skapat men som människor inte längre underhåller. Det är inte att leva hållbart. Genom att utnyttja och tänka kreativit om existerande resurser kommer OASIS tillsammans med människor att använda tidigare bortslängd rikedom för att bygga rikedom. Varför inte använda det som finns? Det har redan kommit en tid där människor inser att vi inte kan ta mer av jordens resurser. Vi har en global överenskommelse som väntar att träda i kraft som genom lag begränsar oss att försöra naturen. OASIS Sweden behöver inte vänta på den lagen. Vi vill visa att vanliga människor – unga och gamla – har den ulitmata friheten att förändra, oberoende av politiken!

Bara genom att vara i transformationsprocessen lär vi varandra att samarbeta. Arken byggdes inte under en natt och det roligaste som händer är i nuet. Det vi ser kommer ske i framtiden är att människor medvetet börjar samarbeta över murar. Inget begränsar oss att se människor, djur och natur på SAMMA NIVÅ!

Det fanns en tid då kvinnor inte hade rösträtt. Det fanns en tid då svarta människor arbetade som slavar åt vita människor. Det fanns en tid då människor förorenade naturen med girighet. Det fanns en tid då pengar dominerade samhället och berövade våran frihet.

Det kommer en tid av kärlek. Låt oss skapa den verklighet NI vill se i din skola/organisation/fritidsgård/idrottsanläggning.


Super Mario Bros. 2 is a BIG FAT LIE

You know, I’ve been thinking lately that a large chunk of my childhood was a big fat lie. I played a game as a child on the NES, which many of us “older” gamers might remember. It was a little title called Super Mario Bros. 2. You might have heard about it. I loved this game. It had very little in common with the first Super Mario Bros., but it was so out of the ball park that I loved it anyway. You could pick one of four characters at the beginning of the game each of which had different powers. Mario could run fast (i think); Luigi could jump really high and had some great hang time; Peach could float and Toad had excellent staying power not losing strength when carrying objects. Playing as each different character made the game a little different. Level design was great too: grassy plains, snow and ice, desert and dark caves.

The problem I have, is that none of this had anything to do with Super Mario Bros. 2. In Japan, a completely different version was introduced to market. A version that much resembled SMB1 but was just hella hard. Nintendo decided that the title was too difficult for U.S. and European gamers so the corporate egg-heads took an existing game, Doki Doki Panic and changed it around a tiny tiny bit and called it SMB2.

I’ve known about SMB2 and Doki Doki Panic for a few years now, but it wasn’t until I stumbled across a web article ***( “The 12 Differences Between Super Mario Bros. 2 and Doki Doki Panic”) that I learned of how little the two titles differ from one another.

The SMB2 version obviously did change some things that needed to be changed, such as the character design.

The only change, according to the article made to game mechanics was that holding down the B button made Mario and Co. run faster. In Doki Doki Panic the characters ran at one speed. Other changes were purely cosmetic, such as Doki’s hearts being changed into SMB2’s mushrooms.

Enemies stayed the same: Birdo remained Birdo as Shy Guys remained themselves.

For many adults whose formative years were spent in the 1980’s, Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 and 3 played a major role in fond memories that we tend to look happilly back on. Learning that SMB2 was actually a Japanese title with a wacky name is like learning that the man you’ve called Dad your whole life has no blood relation to you but that you are actually the product of one of your mother’s many drunken flings. I feel robbed.

… but Doki Doki Panic, thanks for the memories.

*** This entry was originally published in the past in another of the author’s blogs which is no longer available. The article referenced here can no longer be found under the provided link. Sorry


Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Game Improvements - Sell your items

Did you ever buy an item and want to take it back? Sometimes you buy things you don’t feel like using anymore. Shouldn’t we be able to sell it? We should get to sell our items and get 80% back of what we originally paid for. Doesn’t it make sense?



Doctrine 2 The Education Theory

Ok so I know I said I was going to have 2001 a Space Odyssey up, but since that is almost completed but not yet I felt I should post the second Doctrine of Video Games

People often disregard the amount of education imparted on the mind by a video-game. In many accounts, one could make the argument that a game’s ability to educate could be a formidable opposition to the vast majority of modern schooling. Of course, I’m not suggesting that games are an exemplary replacement for acquiring knowledge; I am however suggesting that it fills the otherwise cavernous holes in people’s individual academic edification. By the “numbers argument”, it’s still a mandatory necessity that we all experience schooling as it generally is now. This educational experience is defined by having mounds and mounds of acquired human intelligence (gathered across our trivial time on this rock) slammed against our intellectual walls. This in turn will play some part in the definition of our scholastic character, as a great chunk of those things will simply have stick to the damned metaphorical wall.
A great observation I saw from fellow Twitterers regarding the past video game conferences was that the “big three” were trying to turn everyone into gamers. I apologize to some for the aristocratic tone, but it’s just how I see things now so I won’t temper it. To those of you that feel that way, don’t worry. Gamers will not lose their individuality through this process of casualization and development, it’s impossible. You know why? It’s because we’re all big nerds first and foremost. We’re not the “frat-mind”, we’re not the technological layman, and we’re far from stupid. Our pleasures are rooted typically in learning and acquiring further insight/experience for ourselves. It’s a personal catharsis that will define only a select few individuals throughout the course of their lives. We’re just simply not created or formed (whichever you believe in) in the same way, so some of us find pleasure in certain things while others don’t. Generally smart people don’t let go of gaming because it satiates that desire as well. Maybe not the same way that reading does, but I’d argue it’s a close second.

I commonly hear those age old corollaries when games are touted around for their value this category (it’s particularly insulting in mainstream media). It typically centers on that dead horse, “hand-to-eye” coordination. Of course that’s true, but pretending like that’s where a game’s arm reaches its limit is ludicrous and a bit silly on the side. There’s actually a long list of things that video-games accomplish which make nerds what they are:

I – Spatial Awareness
II – Problem Solving
III – General Patience
IV – Inquisitive Nurturing
V – Mental Stimulation
VI – Biological Neural Exercise
VII – Memory Foundations
VIII – Social Engagement
IX – Amalgamated Competent Processes
X – Eternal Enlightenment & Inspiration

The list definitely goes on, especially if one begins to break these categories down into subsets. These were just the ten that rattled off the top of my head when I shook it around for a moment. For the sake of living up to my comprehensive reputation, I’ll briefly comb through all of them.

I – Spatial Awareness
This is acquired in youth and depending how said child spends their time, it can quite literally open up a whole new world. Though we’re all over the place these days, which I could diverge in any direction with, I’ll snap it old school to keep this short with Super Mario Bros. The comprehension that comes with knowing how Mario will and will not jump is a pinnacle of essence no other medium can claim for itself. The kinesthetic response that generates an instinctive corollary between holding the jump button down and simply tapping it is as primal to a gamer as eating a meal for a general person. Games further the abilities of the avatar by giving them environments to operate in. Design picks up here and dictates the competence of a development team’s prowess.

II – Problem Solving
Games all give us rules and an area to exercise certain tools in. We gain a certain degree of discipline and understanding by this process. Games all create problems and conflicts to deal with. From the most superficial and cursory sequences to the most in-depth and cerebral, gamers are privileged with the act of always solving problems at any given time. Some of them even occur on the nano-scale level (i.e. avoiding the damn squares in Geometry Wars). The degree of variation in which we can solve these problems is only surpassed in excellence by the means to which we acquire our tools to solve them. The structure for some games showcase how much this design muscle has atrophied over the years, but it remains a forte games can always access at will. That’s got to count for something, right?

III – General Patience
It’s a given that when you encounter problem solving constructs designed to entertain, flexibility is next to a necessity in order to accommodate failure. This is something I’d imagine to be difficult for games to convey now, as they seem to be on some grand pilgrimage to maintain accessibility. Frustration is a novelty in games that’s become a near-dead art. In my opinion, an infuriating game doesn’t necessarily equal bad design; it’s simply a typical given in today’s industry. Gamers seem to have the sole option to returning to fundamental or progenitor titles these days, as titles just don’t cultivate such rigorous play anymore(nor to most adult gamer’s lifestyles). If someone doesn’t learn how to accept failure in their lives, they’re going to be a really screwed up person in the long run. People messing up is a grand pinnacle of gaining a true appreciation for anything worthwhile.

IV – Inquisitive Nurturing
Plenty of games also encourage the drive to explore, something not readily available in any other medium. Curiosity is one of the basic necessities of maintaining a healthily learning mindset. Whether it’s actually a built-in feature of the game, or a glitch that leads to further insight of the live-code, most games show the capacity for this. Sometimes the game even rewards exploration, which is another topic in itself. For such titles like Oblivion or Fallout 3, exploration is mandatory for appreciating the scale of Bethesda’s recent releases. The drive has been there since the early days of platforming, when gamers were awarded power-ups, alternate routes, and extra lives for their sheer act of curiosity. Before the days of GameFAQS robbing and mucking up the novelty of this gift, gamers were allowed such a blessing, nowadays it’s damn near a fossil fuel. I don’t care if someone doesn’t even know what two plus two equals, the desire to actually know what it equals is more important than the answer itself; always has been, always will be—the destination is never the goal.

V – Mental Stimulation
Through the use of problem solving and such, it remains a shocking reality that games haven’t gained more ground here than I’d like to think. Very loosely speaking, games tend to opt for the cursory routes and cheap highs, you know—things blowing up and the like. Some titles gain followings however, and it’s usually attributed to how the titles honor their own self-perpetuating source material. Be it God of War or Silent Hill, some titles are just able to communicate from their own world to the player beautifully. It doesn’t have to be, but is usually attributed to narrative-based games. There’s also the literal manifestation of mental stimulation in games (e.g. something like Brain Age), which have their place no doubt, but just aren’t as important to me personally. To look at this in a simpler more and more understandable way, most titles that obey mental stimulation tend to have their own fan-maintained Wiki-pages. Wikias certainly aren’t the final and credible authority here of course, but they do stand as a proof of concept that gamers have been engaged intellectually. Watching them output such information in such a positive fashion is always a plus in my eyes. Can you even imagine what the Internet will be like in just thirty years?

VI – Biological Neural Exercise
Stimulating the mind is one thing, consistently helping it grow is another entirely. The brain is simply another organ in our bodies and without a certain degree of exercise, it won’t amount to much more than a big pink thing in our heads. I guess you bo-bo heads can shove that hand-to-eye coordination crap in here as well, but exploring that even further, all actions in our bodies are dictated by how our brains operate. Whether the player is simply pressing start, or trying to wrap their heads around a convoluted puzzle in the depths of Magmoor, axons and dendrites are hard at work, helping the conscious mind comprehend such acts and feats. Nintendo is probably what raised the majority of us in this area, so kudos to them for that. Luckily, the industry has grown far beyond what Nintendo’s regimented design process usually accommodates. This leaves gamers to choose their own arenas and customize their own cerebral calisthenics down to the most fickle whims (creating yet another problem in itself).

VII – Memory Foundations
Have you ever had a multiple memory merger? Yeah, I just made that up, but I’d like to think games are the prime generators of MMM. Usually, this gets lumped under nostalgia, but I think there’s more to it than that. Having a powerful experience relate in one’s mind as if it were an actual occurrence (and who’s to say it ISN’T an actual occurrence anyway?) in their lives is not something to scoff at. The moniker’s ”multiple” tag is not simply meant to convey plural memories, but acknowledge that the memories don’t exist on the same plane of reality. When they actually merge, the lines between such actualities are less distinct and drive gamers to seek out the sort of natural high that it generates. The first time the Cerberus dogs smashed through the windows of the Spencer mansion, it provided a new footstool for gamers to stand on. This is why there’s such a growing schism in fans regarding the Resident Evil series now (they demand that air of unease that was lost, that they REMEMBER). There are many subsets for this category including: muscle-memory, general memory, and the rare eidetic memory. I personally hold this area in high priority, as it’s not only a requirement for creating games, but enjoying them as well. This is a very thorny topic to delve into with any directed point, so I’ll simply state there’s an untapped well developers can key into this arena specifically (as mentioned in Quantum Gaming)

VIII –Social Engagement
I will do something unheard of on my end and stand up for multiplayer here, as interacting with other people through games is an experience that remains unmatched by anything else. It’s typically through the brutal competition of a title like StarCraft that a gamer will hone individual skills to the degree which will ram the reality of the code to it’s absolute limits. All those insanely competent multiplayer gamers have some degree of familiarity with this. Establishing clever strategies, maneuvers, and techniques are key and the mind being trained to a digital Olympian physique is admirable in any respect (though I personally detest it myself). The other side of this of course is well—THIS. Things like this blog, the internet, and the recently evolved flow of communication that have been established by gamers across the globe all show progressive activism on our part. For all my hatred of associating with people on a day to day basis, I will admit to the beauty of things like the Internet.

IX – Amalgamated Competent Processes
Games very admirably incorporate the three big attributes that appeal to anyone willing to learn: auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learning. I think people all have varying strengths in these categories, but one will always outclass the other two. Personally, I’m a kinesthetic learner, I internalize information best by actually utilizing it and nothing screams that more beautifully than a video-game, which is why I think a great deal of gamers are of the same type (or can at least tap into their own variance of the ability). Even schools have a shifty way of implementing such mechanics and half the time it isn’t set up to accommodate us all (hence the term “falling through the cracks”). Some people simply can’t listen to lectures for hours on end and be expected to recall it all (or at all). Ironically enough, I have an indirect audio processing system. In other words, if I’m in class, I actually comprehend lectures better if I’m multi-tasking—which is further tied my visual learning ability, usually manifesting itself through artwork—heh (nothing was more satisfying than shutting a teacher up who thought I wasn’t paying attention to them, NOTHING). I’m fortunate enough to be reasonably blessed by all three categories, with one standout natural affinity. Things are wired very differently for us all, and games are a medium in which a certain degree of individual flexibility is possible to facilitate everyone involved, even those that go tumbling through the cracks.

X – Eternal Enlightenment & Inspiration
At the end of the day, it’s about what we do with our acquired knowledge that will mark what’s left behind long after we’ve perished. Fact of the matter is that games encourage learning, they also inspire…a great deal at that. Witnessing the variety of INTELLIGENT people that come to the table regarding video-games always fascinates me, if for no other reason than they all come from different walks of life. What’s really cool is that they’re all adding to a fairly dry pot. This makes us nothing more than primordial blog-cells, for the future of the entire industry nonetheless. Consider that collectively we’re the “artists” as well, and you should be able to ascertain exactly what I mean with that.

So, I come back to a fundamental question: Can games incorporate or amplify the technique in which they can teach the player? I think that by this point, you should know that I’m not necessarily talking about practical and cursory methods of tutelage. The arena is there for any designer to break ground with; it’s simply just a matter of time. We’ve become accustomed to frivolous priorities (e.g. a game’s “technical visuals”) and while growth like this doesn’t deteriorate intellectual process, it slows it down to an almost lethargic rate. This is ironic because the same people who argue for those superficial “necessities” are the first to the table when it comes to bitching about a game being shallow and/or uninteresting.

I think a big step in furthering “Experiencism” is establishing how oneself is constructed from a cognitive standpoint. How one learns dictates how they interact with the world, let alone the alternate realities presented by modern video-games. It’s very rarely about simply running out and buying a $50 title to go home and pop it in anymore (it never was for me). The process is a overly convoluted and intricate phenomenon from any standpoint. Appreciating it from these multiple angles will help how games are meant to evolve, through us—the other side of the canvas.


Magic Maze game

It start from drops you into a dungeon with nothing but your trusty firearm and a nose for treasure. It’s up to you to explore the labyrinthine passages, sniffing out riches and mowing down the monsters that try to get in your way. Your skills will automatically upgrade as you progress through the action-packed stages, allowing you to freeze monsters and unleash toxic gases that clear the way to the exit. This is a children interesting shooter. An excellent hunter for mice and other rodents, a main character of the game is a red cat, is invited to visit a dungeon in order to cast out some intruders. In fact, the dungeon’s keepers cannot cope with this problem, rabbits and mice, acting as real hosts, have caused a mass. It is time for a seasoned professional.If you’ve ever been looking for an excuse to walk into things, stumble around and generally put your life at risk, you could always try a quick game of Magic Maze for Android. The game combines physical GPS position with an on-screen labyrinth, which the player navigates by moving around their environment.

*  Try It  * or       *  Buy It  *


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dailyshoot ds89

Dailyshoot ds89

“ Make a photo that goes with the title of a book you’ve read.”

I read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki a few years ago and ended up purchasing a game called “Cashflow” that goes with the book(s).  The game is designed to help you start to thin outside of the box and to get you out of the everyday “Rat Race.”  When I read this challenge, what came to mind was a shot of a cashflow game “in-progress.”  This is the shot that resulted from that vision:



Fabulous Nude Paintings Puzzle

My new puzzle game: Vintage Valentine Cards Puzzle. It’s another puzzle game, but with really amazing nude paintings, which you can save on your iPhone. This is really interesting that such kind of app is avaiable at App Store. It is rated 17+ but still – so frivoulus pictures!

Available on App Store


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Review Battlefield 2

Battlefield 2 (biasa disingkat untuk BF2) adalah sebuah permainan komputer oleh Swedia pengembang Digital Illusions. Selama pengembangan, Trauma Studios berkontribusi terhadap perkembangan permainan setelah diakuisisi oleh Digital Illusions CE. Battlefield 2 ini diterbitkan oleh Electronic Arts dan merupakan permainan penuh ketiga di seri Battlefield, dirilis pada 21 Juni 2005 di Utara Amerikauntuk komputer. versi terbaru v1.50, yang dirilis pada 1 September 2009 dan menambahkan isi dari Armored Fury Euroforce dan booster pack, serta Highway Tampa dan Operasi Blue Pearl peta.

Pemain bertarung di medan perang modern, menggunakan modern sistem senjata. Battlefield 2 adalah pertama-orang jujur dengan beberapa strategi dan RPG elemen. Para pemain tunggal fitur misi yang melibatkan bentrokan antara Marinir Amerika Serikat, Cina dan fiksi Tengah Koalisi timur. Aspek multiplayer game memungkinkan pemain untuk mengatur ke dalam skuad yang datang di bawah kepemimpinan satu komandan untuk mempromosikan kerja sama tim.


Cerita ini terjadi pada awal abad ke-21 selama perang dunia fiktif di antara berbagai blok-blok kekuasaan: Cina, di Uni Eropa (dimainkan sebagai patch dari 1.5), fiksi Timur Tengah Koalisi (MEC), Rusia (dimainkan hanya dalam Pasukan Khusus ekspansi paket) dan Amerika Serikat. In-game Uni Eropa dan Amerika Serikat melawan Cina dan MEC. Diketahui bahwa dalam permainan cerita, Uni Eropa dan Amerika Serikat adalah sekutu, dan bahwa Uni Eropa telah merundingkan kesepakatan damai dengan Rusia,  tetapi tidak diketahui jika Cina dan MEC adalah sekutu. Permainan berlangsung dalam berbagai bidang, Timur Tengah dan Cina sedang diserang oleh pasukan Amerika dan Uni Eropa, dan Amerika Serikat sedang diserang oleh pasukan Cina dan MEC.


Battlefield 2 pada dasarnya adalah permainan multiplayer yang dimainkan melalui internet atau jaringan area lokal. A single-player mode dengan tiga tingkat kesulitan disertakan. Kedua pemain modus menggunakan peta yang sama dan menggunakan Battlefield’s penaklukan mode game. Modus single-player 16 memungkinkan komputer dikendalikan pemain, sedangkan modus internet memungkinkan sampai 64 pemain. Pemain dapat memilih untuk memainkan 3 faksi, maka Korps Marinir Amerika Serikat, para Tentara Pembebasan Rakyat, atau “Koalisi Timur Tengah”. Tambahan faksi yang dapat dimainkan melalui paket ekspansi, seperti Uni Eropa. Kemajuan dalam permainan ini dilakukan melalui promosi yang memungkinkan senjata tambahan yang akan dibuka. Dengan memainkan permainan di peringkat server, pemain dapat menambah mereka statistik pemain global. Statistik ini digunakan untuk promosi penghargaan dan prestasi.

Sebuah konsol versi bermerek juga ada untuk Xbox, Xbox 360 dan PS2, bernama Battlefield 2: Modern Combat. Meskipun mereka berdua berbagi nama yang sama dan pengaturan, mereka sangat berbeda dalam pelaksanaan, isi, dan gameplay.

Di Battlefield 2, pemain dibagi menjadi dua sisi yang berlawanan (yang pasukan mereka mewakili bergantung pada peta). Ada dua konsep kunci dalam Battlefield 2: tiket dan titik kontrol. Tiket mewakili kemampuan pasukan untuk memperkuat posisi mereka di medan perang; masing-masing tim hanya memiliki persediaan tiket terbatas, dan setiap korban di medan pertempuran akan mengurangi jumlah tiket yang tersedia. Titik kontrol tombol mewakili titik di peta, dan diwakili oleh bendera-bendera. Titik kontrol adalah Battlefield 2 ’s bertelur poin, dan satu sisi yang memiliki mayoritas signifikan titik kontrol memberi tekanan pada pihak lawan, mengakibatkan hilangnya stabil tiket untuk sisi ditekan, terlepas dari korban. Bundar berakhir ketika salah satu tiket tim jatuh ke nol, timer bundar itu berakhir, atau jika pada suatu saat tidak memegang samping titik kontrol, dan tidak memiliki tentara hidup di medan perang (artinya di sisi tidak lagi memiliki kehadiran yang efektif di medan perang) .

Battlefield 2 ’s dua modus permainan penaklukan dan Koperasi. Satu-satunya perbedaan antara dua mode adalah bahwa Koperasi termasuk pemain yang dikendalikan komputer,sedangkan Penaklukan hanya memungkinkan pemain manusia. Hasil dari modus Koperasi tidak dihitung dalam statistik pemain global.

Infanteri Kelas

Di Battlefield 2, seperti dengan judul Battlefield sebelumnya, pemain bisa memilih dari berbagai kelas infanteri. Setiap kelas prajurit dilengkapi dengan persenjataan yang berbeda sesuai dengan peran mereka dalam pertempuran. Serangan tentara, misalnya, untuk keperluan umum infanteri dengan dilengkapi peluncur granat-senapan serbu dan baju besi tambahan, Paramedis membawa peralatan pertolongan pertama seperti defibrilator lapangan, dan Anti-Tank pasukan dilengkapi dengan peluru kendali yang efektif terhadap berat baju besi .

Pemain dapat memilih kelas di awal pertandingan, atau antara mati dan respawn setelah pertandingan dimulai atau mereka telah meninggal. Pemain juga dapat mengubah kelas mereka dengan memilih sebuah “kit” dari tubuh tentara yang tidak mampu, ramah atau sebaliknya. Oleh karena itu, seorang prajurit Assault dapat menjadi Medic jika mereka datang melewati jatuh Medic. Mungkin pemain kelas Spec Ops, Sniper, Assault, Support, Engineer, Medic dan Anti-Tank.

Kelas berat: Assault, Support, anti-tank. Mereka memiliki baju besi yang berat tetapi stamina lebih rendah.
Light kelas: Spec Ops, Sniper, Engineer, Medic. Kelas-kelas ini tidak memiliki baju besi, tetapi dapat menjalankan untuk waktu yang lama.

Dalam kelas infanteri, ada tiga dukungan kelas dengan kemampuan khusus. Insinyur dapat memperbaiki dengan kunci pas, petugas medis dapat menghidupkan kembali dengan alat kejut jantung dan menyembuhkan, dukungan dapat memasok amunisi amunisi dengan tas. Kemampuan khusus ini sangat membantu pemain lain. Ketika salah satu dari tiga kelas ini menempati kendaraan, personel dan kendaraan di dekatnya dapat diisi ulang, diperbaiki atau disembuhkan dengan berada di dekat.


Berbagai kekuatan yang masih menggunakan fitur merek dagang dari seri Battlefield – stabil besar kendaraan bahwa setiap pemain bisa naik ke dan kontrol.  Ada banyak berbagai jenis kendaraan dapat dimainkan di Battlefield 2. Mereka semua didasarkan pada kehidupan nyata kendaraan yang digunakan oleh militer dari berbagai negara.

Ada sekitar 30 kendaraan yang tersedia untuk digunakan mulai dari tank tempur utama seperti M1A2 Abrams untuk berpuasa transport seperti Patroli Gurun Vehicle. Berbeda dengan Battlefield 1942, Battlefield 2 memiliki hanya satu air murni berbasis kendaraan, yang kaku-perahu karet Namun, BTR-90, MEC APC, dapat bepergian di dalam air serta LAV-25 dan WZ 551, USMC dan TPR yang setara, masing-masing. Para pengembang mencoba untuk merancang permainan sehingga setiap kendaraan akan menjadi lemah untuk jenis kendaraan lain, berniat untuk menciptakan situasi yang mirip dengan permainan batu-kertas-gunting.  Sebagai contoh, mobile anti-air itu dimaksudkan untuk secara efektif menghancurkan helikopter, tetapi rentan terhadap lawan tank. Termasuk dalam hubungan ini adalah pertahanan stasioner seperti senapan mesin ringan dan anti-aircraft/TOW emplacements. Ketersediaan dan jumlah kendaraan tertentu tergantung pada peta dan ukurannya serta titik kontrol ditangkap. Juga, lebih kendaraan akan tersedia untuk digunakan pada peta ekspansi / booster pack. (lihat Peta). The USS Essex adalah satu-satunya kapal angkatan laut ditampilkan di BF2, menampilkan dua poin dan pesawat bertelur spawn poin, dan tidak drivable atau destroyable, kecuali untuk Phalanx menara.


Meskipun Battlefield 2 adalah sekuel dari Battlefield 1942, ada banyak perubahan pada permainan populer yang asli. Banyak fitur gameplay baru ini ditambahkan ke permainan dengan kerja tim dan kolaborasi dalam pikiran. Mesin permainan yang baru meliputi peningkatan fisika, pencahayaan dinamis, dan lebih realistis materi penetrasi.


Pemain dapat membentuk pasukan hingga enam tentara agar dapat lebih efektif bekerja sebagai tim. Sampai sembilan skuad yang diijinkan untuk setiap tim, setiap tim memiliki sejumlah (otomatis diberi) dan nama (biasanya sebuah alfabet fonetik surat) untuk identifikasi. Anggota tim memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dengan satu sama lain melalui Battlefield 2 ’sterintegrasi Voice-over IP (VoIP) sistem.

Pemimpin regu skuad mereka dapat menetapkan berbagai tujuan (misalnya, pindah ke atau menyerang lokasi tertentu). Perintah juga mungkin diberikan oleh komandan tim. Pemimpin pasukan mampu mengeluarkan permintaan untuk aset komandan (seperti tembakan artileri) dan memiliki saluran VoIP langsung ke komandan.

Anggota regu dapat bertelur dekat pemimpin pasukan mereka, asalkan pemimpin tidak mati (atau tidak mampu), dan bahwa tim memegang setidaknya satu titik kontrol. Fitur ini memungkinkan pasukan untuk lebih cepat berkumpul kembali setelah mengambil korban.


Para komandan eksklusif Posisi peran yang dimainkan oleh salah satu anggota dari setiap tim. Setiap anggota tim mungkin berlaku untuk posisi, tetapi prioritas diberikan kepada pemain yang lebih tinggi pangkat.

Komandan sendiri memiliki akses ke “layar komandan”, sebuah antarmuka yang sama dengan yang real-time strategy game. Hal ini memungkinkan komandan ikhtisar dari medan perang secara keseluruhan, atau memperbesar dan melihat bagian peta secara real-time. Komandan juga memiliki kontrol dari berbagai komandan aset, yang mencakup serangan artileri, kendaraan dan persediaan tetes, dan UAV’s. Mereka dapat menempatkan mereka untuk membantu tim mereka. Komandan pasukan dapat berkomunikasi dengan baik dengan mengirimkan perintah, atau melalui VoIP komunikasi suara.Peralatan ini memungkinkan komandan untuk mengkoordinasikan strategis pasukan mereka di medan perang.

Seorang komandan dapat mengundurkan diri pada setiap titik, posisi untuk membebaskan anggota lain dari tim mereka, mereka juga mungkin secara paksa dihilangkan dengan sukses pemberontakan suara yang dilakukan oleh tim mereka (disediakan di server memungkinkan pemberontakan suara).

Walaupun komandan tidak mendapatkan poin dengan metode normal (membunuh, menangkap bendera, dll), skor mereka dua kali lipat pada akhir putaran jika tim mereka menang.

Penghargaan dan senjata Unlockable

Pemain dapat memperoleh penghargaan (pita, lencana, dan medali) untuk di-permainan tertentu prestasi. Badges dan pita adalah yang termudah untuk mendapatkan, sementara medali biasanya jauh lebih sulit, membutuhkan bermain lebih luas. Sebagai pemain naik melalui pangkat mereka akan memperoleh kemampuan untuk membuka senjata tertentu. Setiap kali seorang pemain yang dipromosikan ke pangkat yang memenuhi syarat, mereka diberikan kesempatan untuk membuka salah satu dari tujuh Unlockable senjata, satu untuk masing-masing kelas, yang mereka mungkin selanjutnya akan digunakan sebagai pengganti senjata standar untuk kelas tertentu. Pemain dengan ekspansi pasukan khusus diberikan tambahan Unlockable tujuh senjata. Unlockable senjata termasuk G36C, SCAR-L, G3, Heckler & Koch MP7, F2000, FN P-90, G36E, L85A1, L96A1, Barrett M95, MG36 dll The FN P-90 dan L96A1dilepaskan di Patch 1,2 untuk menyelesaikan Tingkat Dua yang hilang Sniper dan membuka anti-tank dan juga bertepatan dengan rilis dari Euro Force Booster Pack yang menampilkan mereka sebagai senjata standar Uni Eropa. Pangkat dan unlockables berlaku untuk semua server yang memungkinkan mereka, tetapi hanya “resmi” (peringkat) server mengirim kembali merekam dan statistik.

Battlefield perekam

terdapat game recorder catatan replay pertempuran berikutnya. File-file ini dapat didownload dari server yang mendukung BattleRecorder langsung setelah masing-masing permainan. File pertempuran tercatat sekitar 1 megabyte sampai 8 megabyte dalam ukuran dan dimainkan dalam Battlefield 2 mesin. Sudut kamera dapat diubah (bebas roaming & dipilih player), serta kecepatan, meskipun tidak dapat memutar ulang. File dapat diekspor ke format AVI. The Battlefield Perekam telah memfasilitasi pembentukan berbagai machinima. Penggunaan layanan PunkBuster adalah wajib bagi semua peringkat resmi Battlefield 2 server, tapi tidak termasuk opsional bagi server.


Battlefield 2 menawarkan 15 peta untuk para pemain untuk bermain, tapi dikirim dengan 12 . Peta tersebut beragam, mulai dari rawa-rawa seperti Songhua jalan buntu, untuk daerah-daerah perkotaan seperti di Karkand Strike, untuk yang belum selesai bendungan yang dikenal sebagai Kubra Dam. The USMC hadir di semua peta dan wajah terhadap baik MEC atau TPR tergantung pada peta. PLA hadir di bioskop Timur Jauh seperti Dragon Valley dan ladang minyak Daqing. MEC hadir di teater Timur Tengah seperti Teluk Oman dan Zatar Wetlands.Seri yang BF2 termasuk perluasan dan booster pack menempatkan peta dihitung pada 29 peta.

Battlefield 2 peta memiliki 3 variasi, masing-masing cocok untuk sejumlah pemain. Setiap peta memiliki 16, 32, dan 64 pemain-usul variasi di mana daerah medan pertempuran atau lapangan bermain relatif kecil, menengah, dan besar, masing-masing. Satu-satunya pengecualian untuk hal ini adalah Pulau Wake 2007, yang terkunci di 64-pemain ukuran dan Angkatan Euro peta, Operasi Smokescreen, Tembok Besar, dan Taraba Penambangan, yang tidak memiliki ukuran 64-pemain. 32 dan 64 pemain peta tidak tersedia secara offline pemain dari pengecer, tetapi Anda dapat men-download 64 Single player mods bot AI. Lain kontras antara variasi ini selain ukuran adalah jumlah dan posisi titik kontrol dan ketersediaan kendaraan. Sebagai hasilnya, gameplay dari peta berbeda tergantung pada variasi.

1,03 patch, dirilis pada tanggal 4 Oktober 2005, ditambah versi terbaru Pulau Wake, berasal dari Battlefield 1942. September 5, 2006, Patch 1,4 menambahkan peta ‘Road to Jalalabad. 6 Juni 2007, EA secara resmi merilis peta beta, Highway Tampa. 18 Juni 2007, versi final dirilis. Kedua versi dari peta peringkat Battlefield 2 peta. Ini adalah peta besar dengan dataran dan bantuan bergulir peperangan lapis baja. Versi Highway Tampa dan Pulau Wake juga dibebaskan untuk Battlefield 2142. Sebuah versi dari banyak diantisipasi 1,5 patch dirilis sebagai beta pada tanggal 21 April 2009, dan kemudian dilepaskan sebagai ‘final release’ pada 1 September 2009. Itu berisi sejumlah perbaikan untuk Vista pengguna, termasuk peta baru, ‘Operation Blue Pearl’. Hal ini dikabarkan akan update akhir untuk permainan – yang Armored Fury dan Euro Force booster pack juga bebas bermain dengan versi ini.

Kebutuhan Sistem

- Sistem Operasi
Windows XP (32 Bit Version)

Battlefield 2 mendukung prosesor berikut:
Intel Pentium 4
Intel Xeon
Intel Pentium Extreme Edition
Intel Celeron D
AMD Athlon XP
AMD Athlon 64
AMD Athlon 64-FX
AMD Sempron processor

- Minimum Spesifikasi:
CPU: 1.7 Ghz
RAM: 512 Mb
Video Card: NVidia GeForce FX 5700, ATI Radeon 8500 atau ATI Radeon 9.500
dengan 128 Mb RAM

- Fitur Spesifikasi:
CPU: 2.4 Ghz
RAM: 1 Gb
Video Card dengan minimal RAM 256 Mb

- Video Cards
Battlefield 2 hanya mendukung kartu-kartu video berikut:
Radeon X700 (PCIe)
Radeon X600 (PCIe)
GeForce 6600 (PCIe)
GeForce PCX 5900 (PCIe)
GeForce 5800 Series (AGP)
ATI Radeon X800 XT Platinum Edition
ATI Radeon X800 PRO
ATI Radeon 9800 Series
ATI Radeon 9600 Series
ATI Radeon 9550 (RV350LX)
ATI Radeon 9500 / 9700 Series
ATI Radeon 8500 Series
ATI Radeon X300 Series
NVidia GeForce 6800 Ultra
NVidia GeForce 6800 GT
NVidia GeForce 6800
NVidia GeForce FX 5950 Series
NVidia GeForce FX 5900 Series
NVidia GeForce FX 5700 Series

Persyaratan Lain

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Anda mengikuti panduan ini:

Sistem minimum – Join server yang memiliki hingga 16 pemain

Sistem Fitur – Join server yang memiliki hingga 32 pemain

High end system – Join server yang memiliki hingga 64 pemain

ISDN pengguna – Join permainan dengan maksimum 16 pemain.

ADSL / Cable pengguna – Join permainan dengan maksimum 32 pemain.

T1/LAN pengguna – Join permainan dengan maksimum dari 64 pemain.
