Sunday, November 22, 2009

Pandemic in your home...

I havent written for about a week. I was planning to the other day, and then I got sick with suspected swine flu! I am taking the Tamiflu meds that I have been prescribed and feel slightly better; the pain killers seem to help me faze in and out of the real world. All in all, I dont think I have had the worst case of flu ever, but it has been horrible. I am still not better in the slightest but should be in a few days. To take 5 mins on your hands and knees to get upstairs to the toilet doesnt really help esteem…

It was my friend Lauren’s 21st birthday yesterday, but alas I was too poorly to go out with her, and then go to work :( I will make it up to you I promise, and I hope you had a good birthday!

Today I found out that my dad has been taking great photos of Lego men!? He stole a load from me before the summer but I hadnt seen any of the produce. Here is my favourite:

Click the image to see all of his work. He does a lot of nature and macro photography, which I think is great. There is no dispute that my photography inspiration and knowledge has always come from him :)

What else have I found while laying around feeling sorry for myself…? A beautiful place called Stitch Lab, which looks too good to be true!:

When I feel better I am planning to sort out the spare room into a spare room/sewing and crafts room! I cant wait!

This living room is very cute! I love the crochet throw on the sofa, the little green table in the back and the kitchen too…:

I also want a typewriter like this! Its amazing!:

Im not sure what else to write about at the moment, my brain is a bit fried from all the pain killers. Hopefully I will feel a bit better tomorrow.

[No picture - poorly-state face]

Jenn xx

P.S I finished Tomb Raider: Underworld on the 360, and now I am in the middle of Wet. Both games are great!


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